“If you want to bring about real, sustained change, you have to constantly be aware that you are not just taking care of yourself.” Robert Redford
One goal of our Forces of Nature video series is to inspire individuals to take concrete actions to help to create a sustainable world; a world which we will be proud to pass along to future generations.

Recently, at Redwood High School in Larkspur, California, we shared the Forces of Nature website videos with an AP environmental science class. We were moved by the energy of the students and their interest in many of the same concerns our elders faced in the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s. The stories we share began in a different era with passionate young people who were active in their communities and beyond. We hope that the elders’ stories will inspire today’s young people and that they will join in to help us all to confront the environmental problems of today and become the leaders that we need in the next wave of environmentalism.
Today, we have a couple of links for you and a couple of requests. First, our requests: We would like you to watch more — and share our videos with your friends and family. Please take a moment to comment on one of our short films or blogs. This will help us to increase the visibility and interactivity of our site. Finally, you will find in the About page, a link to a form that you can fill out so you can nominate an elder (someone at least 60) who has made an extraordinary effort to protect or enhance our common environment.
Now for the links: the first link is to the Redford Center, which is known for producing high quality and visually stunning films with positive environmental messages that align with our economical vision of activism and commitment to our environment and communities. The Redford Center has posted a trailer and some short videos in their series, The Art of Activism.

These videos examine the moment in young people’s lives when they are moved to act in extraordinary ways. The Redford series clearly shows how the emerging generations are making a difference today. Check it out! Click on the Art of Activism above.
The second link is to Island Press, which publishes first-rate books on the environment.

They have expanded their environmental reach by partnering with Treehugger, the US Green Building Council, the California Academy of Sciences, the Wildlands Network, Town Hall Seattle, the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, and the Society for Ecological Restoration. For instance, Island Press, in their partnership with the Society of Ecological Restoration, is sponsoring a video contest with a $500 scholarship for students and early career professionals who will create a video no longer than 4 minutes on the topic “Why Restore?” If you are interested in entering the contest, click on the words “Why Restore” above for details on how to apply.