Huey Johnson and Stewart Brand reminisce about some early innovations by Stewart including the Whole Earth Catalog and the California Water Atlas. Stewart Brand, a creative environmentalist and founder of several nonprofits was also involved with the creation of the amazing California Water Atlas. Huey and Stewart collaborated on many environmental projects. They discuss some early times at the nonprofit Point Foundation, the 1972 Stockholm UN Conference on the Human Environment, Huey’s appointment in the Jerry Brown administration as the California Secretary of Resources, and his current passion: revival and restoration of the endangered Black Footed Ferret.
Henry Little: Planful Opportunism
Who is a champion of saving pristine lands? Henry Little, that’s who. Henry describes his role in the acquisition of the Shasta Big Springs Ranch, a Nature Conservancy project located near Mount Shasta in Northern California.
Spencer Beebe: Using Nature as an Example
Challenging conventional ways is just what Spencer Beebe does. He describes how the U.S. approaches sustainability and how he has contributed to helping the U.S. and organizations improve sustainability with creative projects and nonprofits.